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21-Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack On Sale $140  

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21-Day Fix Challenge Pack On Sale $140  

 CIZE -Challenge Pack on SALE for $140

3 Day Refresh and Shakeology On Sale $140  


What is the Refresh?????
Recommendations Pre-Refresh
For those who are not used to eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily, it's recommended that they begin incorporating these foods into their daily diet (for example, a green salad each day during the week prior) and phasing out things like coffee, alcohol and animal proteins. Many will find it helpful to clear the fridge and pantry of tempting foods, so that compliance with the program is easier.
Expectations During the Refresh
When steering the body back to optimal health, there will be bumps in the road; including changes in energy levels, mental clarity, complexion, cravings for food, bowel movements, and even body temperature. All of these are temporary, normal effects of the following a reduced-calorie meal plan.
Overall HealthThe 3-Day Refresh is intended to give users a break from poor eating habits and/or kick start healthy ones. After completing this program, users may feel lighter and healthier overall.  Some may experience improved energy, mood and sleep as well. The program is intended to kickstart healthy nutrition habits which will lead to a healthier lifestyle and overall well-being.

EmotionalUsers are not expected to experience any drastic differences in mood (highs or lows) however some individuals may experience irritability or crankiness given that the caloric load per day is lower than usual them. Any such shifts in mood are temporary and not long-lasting.

Hunger/CravingsUsers may experience hunger or craving for foods which are not part of the program during the 3 days, however, these symptoms are temporary. The 3-Day Refresh meal plans is rich in fiber and protein and offers frequent meal, beverage and snack occasions to guard against hunger. Vanilla Fresh shakes taken at lunch and dinner also contain a clinically-tested potato protein extract which helps to curb hunger and cravings. The 3-Day Refresh is a restricted-calorie eating plan. If you find yourself becoming ill or feeling sick/lightheaded during the 3-DayRefresh, you should cease doing the program and consult with your doctor, if necessary.

Weight Gain/Loss  Weight loss amounts will vary by individual, but most users will experience a weight loss of 3 pounds on average.  

Working OutBecause this is a restricted-calorie eating program, we recommend that individuals who wish to exercise during the program limit their activity to mild or moderate levels. For individuals who are used to extreme exercise, we recommend stopping extreme exercise (or tapering down to mild/moderate levels) 2-3 days prior to beginning the program and easing back into higher levels of exertion over the 2-3 days post-Refresh.

Body AchesSome individuals may experience headaches or body aches during the program given that the caloric load per dayis lower than usual. Any such incidences are temporary and not long-lasting.

DigestionImproved regularity is a possible benefit of the program. However many users may not be accustomed to the higher levels of fiber in their diet, and this can lead to temporary gas, bloating or constipation. If users get a little gas or bloating, this is a sign that they need to up their fiber levels in general. Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps the digestive tract functioning. If gas is an issue, there are "low gas-producing" options in the veggie list and dinner recipes in the menu guide. 

SleepImprovement in the quality of sleep is a possible benefit of the program. Sleep irregularities may be experienced by some individuals, however as the body recalibrates, and moves itself into healthier, systemic functions. Due to the short time period (3 days) of this program, negative sleep pattern changes should not be drastic or long-lasting.
Expectations Post Refresh
Users can expect improved digestion, energy, and some weight-loss. This program is aimed to put users on the right path towards better overall health. Please refer to the "Maintaining your Results Post-Refresh" section of the Program Guide for additional tips.

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